
TNI allows you to store information about your network users: their photos, names, addresses, contact information, etc.

During the network scan, this information can be automatically obtained from Active Directory entities and user account settings on network computers. Furthermore, you can create a new user record manually.

Viewing and editing users

The information about users which has been extracted from a domain or created manually is stored in the currently opened Storage. If a user is created based on a local user account, its information will be stored in the inventory file of the asset where it has been found.

To manage users, switch to the last tab of the program and select the Users page from the Sidebar.

The user list will show up on the left side of the main area, with the information about the selected user on the right side. The user list is divided into categories by type: Domain usersLocal users, and Added manually.

The users of the currently selected asset are displayed in the Local users category. This category is hidden if multiple assets are selected.

If user information has been collected from more than one domain, the user data will be grouped by domain names.

Adding, deleting, and renaming users

To create a new user, click Addover the user list and enter the username.

To delete a user, click theto the right of the username in the list. To rename a user, double-click the username in the list.

You can delete, rename (the Full name string) domain, local, and manually add users.

Editing user information

After selecting a user in the list, you can see related information to the right: a photo, personal and contact info, and addresses. This information can be edited.

You can upload an avatar or a photo here. To upload an image, click Add in the Photo group and browse to a JPEG, BMP, GIF, or PNG file.

In the next window, select the square area of any size in the image and click  Done.

The notification “Changes detected in storage” inform you that the user base has been updated and to avoid overwriting information, the page must be refreshed before making new changes.

Searching users

To find a user in the list, enter the keyword in the Find users field. The list will be filtered as you type, highlighting the text that matches the query.

The search will be performed not only in user names but in all other information fields (e.g. phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and notes). After the search, when one of the users is selected, the matching text will be highlighted in the information area.

Assigning users to assets

Each asset in the Storage can be assigned to a single user. Each network asset is by default assigned to the local user that was logged into the system during its first scan.

Any asset can be assigned one of its local users, any domain user, or any manually added user. Assigning a local asset user to another asset is not allowed.

To assign a user to an asset or several assets, select them in the Network tree and click the small chain icon next to the assigned user.

The linked chainindicates the assigned user.
To unassign a user from the device, click on the chainagain. All unassigned users are displayed with the corresponding icon.

Displaying information about assigned users

Information about the assigned user can be viewed in the Common reports mode (category Users). Furthermore, the photo, full name, and contact info of the user assigned to the selected asset can be displayed in the Sidebar.

Any user information field can be added as a column in the Table report (see the Creating a template section).
