Creating a template

To create a table report template, click the New template buttonon the Sidebar. The report constructor will be opened.
  1. Object of report
  2. List of available fields
  3. List of selected fields
  4. Condition builder

Every value retrieved by TNI from remote assets can be displayed in a table report.

Selecting the object for your report

Start building the template by selecting one of the report object types.

Each single row of the resulting table report will correspond to a single object of the specified type.

A report can only be built for a single type of object. Selecting a new object will clear the list of selected fields. If you need to display fields from different types of objects (e.g. operating systems and RAM units), select Asset as the object since it encompasses the fields of all the other objects.

Selecting fields for the report

When you’ve chosen the object of the report, its properties will be listed as Available fields.

Click one of the fields to select it. The circle next to its name will turn blue, and the field will be added to the Selected fields list.
To delete a field from the template, click the  next to the field’s name in the list of Selected fields or click the field in the list of Available fields once again. The circle will revert to the color gray.

Fields of the Asset object

This is the main object type, containing all the fields known to the program:

  • Network node properties: network attributes, date of the latest update, asset type, identification number, etc.;
  • Data from the main categories: hardware, operating system, installed software, user accounts, etc.;
  • Other datacustom fieldsalert messages, and user information.

Fields of other objects

All types of objects besides Asset belong to a hypothetical asset. Therefore, attributes of the asset containing the object can be included in the report along with the fields of the object itself. Thus, the list of available fields is divided into two parts.

For example you can build a list of monitors along with names and IP addresses of assets that these monitors are connected to.

Filtering fields by asset types

Different types of assets have different sets of fields.
For example: the Operating system object for Windows assets contains such specific fields as a Service packPath to Windows directoryDirectX versionetc. Linux operating systems don’t have these attributes, but they have the Core version and Code name instead.

By default, the list of Available fields displays all fields of the chosen object and icons of all types are highlighted in blue in the filter pane:

Click one of the icons to hide the fields specific to the corresponding type. Another click will display them again.

Complex fields

Some fields consist of several separate values.
For instance, the Image size of a monitor — e.g. “47 cm x 30 cm (22″)” — is a combination of its WidthHeightDiagonal.

A complex field can be added as a whole, but you can add its elements independently as well.
To view the elements of a complex field, click the button next to its name:

Searching fields

Type the name of a field into the search field to only display the matching fields and the groups that contain them.

Modifying selected fields

Each selected field corresponds to a column in the resulting report.

The order of the fields defines the order of the columns. You can reorder them by dragging them with your mouse (first select the field and then drag it).

To delete a field from the template, click the  next to the field’s name in the list of Selected fields or click the field in the list of Available fields once again.

Click the  button to the left of the selected field’s name or double-click the field to access its properties:

  • Title: defines the name of the column. The full names of some fields are too long and inconvenient. You can change them to a more appropriate and shorter title in this field. Later you can revert the title back to the default by clicking the Restore icon on the right;
  • Sorting: Use this to automatically sort the column in any direction;
  • Fix column: A fixed column remains on the screen when you scroll the table horizontally. You may fix any number of columns;
  • Hide column: hides the column from the report. You may still use values in it for sorting or for filtering using conditions (see below).

When the table report has been built, you can right-click its header to hide or reveal columns via the context menu.

Adding conditions

Conditions are used to filter the table rows based on the values from selected columns, or combinations thereof.

To add a condition, you first need to add some fields to the report and then create a simple or complex expression using the Condition builder.

Creating expressions

To create the first expression, click Add condition.

An expression consists of a field, a type of comparison, and in most cases, a value. To build one, specify all the elements when prompted.

Different kinds of fields will provide different types of comparisons and values. Numeric fields can be compared with numeric values; strings can be matched against masks or other strings; some values can be selected in the list.

Creating complex expressions

A complex expression is a chain of simple expressions and logical operators: AND, OR, NOT.

To create a complex expression, first, create a simple expression as described above. Buttons “And…” and “Or…” will appear below. Select one to chain in the second expression. A logical group of expressions will be formed.

To add another expression to the existing group, click the small (+) button below. After, click “And…”/”Or…” if you want to make it a part of a new logical group.

Keep adding expressions until you’ve built the desired condition.

In the Sidebar, templates with conditions are indicated by a small funnel icon overlay.

Don’t forget to name your new template and press OK. The report will be automatically built and the template will appear in the Sidebar, to be used when needed.

Since TNI is a 32-bit application, it is not recommended to create reports with more than 30.000 rows. As generating reports of such size can make the program unstable, this number has been chosen as the maximum number of rows for a table report.
You can change this setting in Options Reports Other . To remove the limit which is strongly not recommended, set the number to 0.

If you need to build a report with more than 30K rows, we recommend dividing the report into 2 or more parts by selecting large sections of your storage using Multiple selection.
