Network node properties

To edit the properties of the selected network node, use the context menu or go to the last tab in the main window of the program and select Properties on the Sidebar.

To save the changes that were made on this page, you can do the following:

  1. Click Apply changes at the top of the page (you can also discard unsaved changes by clicking Undo);

    These buttons will only show up if any changes were made.
  2. Select other assets in the Network tree;
  3. Leave the page (for example, by switching to a different mode).

You can edit the properties of several assets at the same time by selecting several network nodes or a group of nodes in the Network tree.

Be careful when editing the properties for several nodes at the same time. It’s impossible to revert to the previous state automatically after applying the changes. Recovering lost data may take a lot of time.

A handy way of editing several network nodes in succession is by using hotkeys for selecting the next or previous network node: Alt + Up/Down arrow. The changes are applied automatically in this case.

Group properties

Allows to configure the synchronization with AD for a group selected using a single selection. This setting will be unavailable when already set for any parent or child group of the selected group.

Here, you can specify an OU or CN group to synchronize the group selected in the network storage with an AD object (for example, OU=Seattle,OU=Washington,OU=USA,DC=company,DC=local).

Network properties

You can change the network node name and IP address here.

Click one of the Determine buttons  to get the network name by IP address or vice versa.

Tick the Static IP address checkbox scan and access the asset by its IP address. Otherwise, the network name will be used for access.

If the IP address of the asset has been edited, the Static IP address option will be enabled automatically to avoid data loss.

The Don’t scan option allows you to always skip scanning the selected device.

The Disable the low-level hardware scan option allows you to disable the low-level scan for the selected asset. This setting is displayed only if the asset is a Windows device that has been successfully scanned. It should be activated if you encounter BSOD problems on the target device during the scan. If you need to apply this setting to all assets, it can be done in Options Scanner Low-level scan settings.

The Don’t move option avoids moving the device between groups when synchronizing with AD.

Asset properties

Device type determines the asset’s icon in the Network tree and can be included in the table report.

Virtual type specifies the virtualization platform. Its icon will be included in the reports and displayed next to the node name in the Network tree. Specifying any value other than Physical device marks the asset as virtual.

You can hide all the virtual assets in the Network tree or, conversely, display only the virtual assets. There is a special assistant for this.

Usually, you won’t need to set the virtual type manually. TNI automatically detects popular virtualization platforms.

An alias is an arbitrary asset name. It can be displayed in the Network tree instead of the actual network name or used in the reports.

Asset description can be automatically obtained from the system properties or from Active Directory.

Physical location can be obtained from Active Directory.

A Note is a comment left by the user. There’s a special assistant that works with notes. Notes can be added or edited in the Common reports mode.

For more details, see Viewing and adding notesNote contents assistant.

The Restore data option  allows you to restore the edited data to the values collected during the last scan.

By default, the aliases of assets are automatically duplicated from the Network name field. The Alias field is updated each time you perform the scan. However, if you manually change the alias so that it doesn’t match the network name, the program will no longer update it.

In order to restore the alias and let the program update it automatically, you can use the Restore button  next to the Alias field.

Inventory number

The items in this section work in the same way as in Storage properties.

The Generate button creates an inventory number using the specified template.

Arbitrary text can be entered into the Inventory number field without the use of the generator when a single asset is selected.

Inventory numbers can be displayed in the Network tree as an additional field or in place of node names. They can be searched and filtered as well. For more details, see Information display settings and Searching in the Network tree sections.

You can set up the template for automatic assignment of inventory numbers to new assets in the Storage properties.
