Altering the Storage structure

The Network tree allows to create, rename and delete groups of network nodes.

Creating a group

  1. Right-click the parent group (to create a first-level group, right-click the root node);
  2. Click Create a group in the context menu;
  3. Type the name of the group and press Enter.

Renaming a group

Click Rename in the context menu or select the group and press F2. Type the desired name and press Enter.

Renaming the root node will change the Storage name. Another way to do this is via the Storage properties.

Moving nodes into a group

  1. If you need to move multiple nodes, select them using your mouse’s Rectangle Selection or your keyboard’s Shift or Ctrl;
  2. Do one of the following:
      1. Drag the selection with your mouse and drop it onto the title of the target group;
      2. Right-click one of the selected nodes and use the Move to group menu item

Deleting network nodes and groups

To delete one or several nodes or groups, select them and press Delete on your keyboard or use the Delete option from the context menu. When deleting, you will be prompted to confirm the deletion. If confirmed, the device or group will be deleted completely. This step can be disabled in the program Options , in the Confirmations menu.


Deleting a network node is an irreversible operation. All the data connected to the deleted asset will be permanently lost. Consult the Contents of an asset file section to find out what exactly is being deleted.

Deleting a group is not the same as “ungrouping”. All the assets inside the group will be deleted as well.


Working with storage files directly

The Storage structure fully replicates the structure of files and directories inside the Storage directory, as described in the Storage section. Therefore, it’s possible to create, delete or rename groups and move assets between them by performing corresponding operations over file system objects, which can be done in any file manager. TNI will react to these changes automatically.

Right-click any node and choose Show in Explorer to quickly locate a directory or file corresponding to the node. This will launch an instance of Windows Explorer to navigate to the target directory. If the selected node is an asset node, its file will be selected.

You can also use this function when backing up data, copying, transferring to another TNI user, etc.
