Creating and editing maps

If no maps are present in the storage, you will be offered to create one. When creating a map, its default settings can be changed:

The settings can also be changed from the Control panel located above the map:

The Map control panel can also be used to:

  • add new maps, clone and delete the existing ones;
  • switch between maps (using the drop-down list);
  • save changes manually;
  • select which value will be displayed as the map node name (there’s a similar menu in the Network tree, see here);
  • enable the grid and link labels (for all maps);
  • align objects on the current map on the grid (enables automatic alignment);
  • center the map.

By default, the map is saved automatically every 10 minutes and when you switch between maps. You can disable the autosave or change its settings from Options. If autosave when switching between maps is disabled, then pressing the manual save button while editing multiple maps will save changes for all of them.

Currently, a network map can be created only manually.

You can save your network map to PNG and JPG images files, and print them with available tools.

To do this, click the icon next to the Search bar and select the necessary format.
