Using assistants

Adding assistants

Follow these steps to add an assistant:
  1. Click the Add Assistant button on the toolbar in the Network tree;
  2. Select the assistant type from the menu that appears;
  3. Select or specify a condition.

Any number of assistants can be used at the same time.

The assistants are saved when TSD is closed.

Managing the added assistants

Newly added assistants appear in a separate area on the right side of the toolbar.

What the Network tree toolbar looks like when the assistants have been added:

Every added assistant has several controls:
  • The switch button Indicator/Filter. If the button is translucent, the assistant is in the Indicator mode; if the button is opaque, the assistant is in the Filter mode. The Indicator mode enables the corresponding icon on the right of every network node. Hovering the mouse cursor over an icon reveals a hint with additional info. The Filter mode hides all assets that don’t meet the assistant’s condition. The Indicator icon remains visible.
  • The assistant’s drop-down menu button. The menu allows to change the condition or remove the assistant.
Some assistants support the selection of multiple conditions. A node needs to only match one of the selected conditions.

If you can’t find an asset that exists in the Storage, make sure it has not been filtered out by one of the active assistants.

By default, assistants are added as Indicators.

Editor bar

When adding certain assistants, the assistant’s editor bar will appear.

The condition for such assistants can later be changed by pressing the pencil button to the right of the current condition.

Editor bar (for the Note contents assistant):

Specify the condition and press Enter to save the condition in the assistant and close the editor. Pressing Esc will cancel the changes and restore the original value.
To close the editor, apply the changes or click the pencil icon in the assistant’s drop-down menu.

Opening the editor for a different assistant closes the previous without saving the changes.
