Asset properties

You can edit the properties of several assets at the same time by selecting several network nodes or a group of nodes in the Network tree.

Be careful when editing the properties for several nodes at the same time. It’s impossible to revert to the previous state automatically after applying the changes. Recovering lost data may take a lot of time.

AD synchronization settings

Allows to configure the synchronization with AD for a group selected using a single selection. This setting will be unavailable when already set for any parent or child group of the selected group.

Here you can specify an OU or CN group to synchronize the group selected in the network storage with an AD object (for example, OU=Seattle,OU=Washington,OU=USA,DC=company,DC=local).

Network properties

You can change the network node name and IP address here.

Click one of the Resolve buttons to get the network name by IP address or vice versa.

Check the Static IP address box to access the asset by its IP address. Otherwise, the network name will be used for the access.

You can also disable scanning of separate devices or stop them from being moved during synchronization with AD.

Asset properties

Device type determines the asset’s icon in the Network tree.

Virtual type specifies the virtualization platform. Its icon will be displayed next to the node name in the Network tree. Specifying any value other than Physical device marks the asset as virtual.

  • You can hide all the virtual assets in the Network tree or, conversely, display only the virtual assets. There is a special assistant for this.

  • Usually, you won’t need to set the virtual type manually. TSD automatically detects popular virtualization platforms.

An alias is an arbitrary asset name. It can be displayed in the Network tree instead of the actual network name or used in the reports.

Asset description can be automatically obtained from the system properties or from Active Directory.

Physical location can be obtained from Active Directory.

A note is a comment left by the user. There’s a special assistant that works with notes.
