Deployment questions

Errors when adding deployment tasks

Q: How can I resolve the error: “application has no bitness specified”?

A: This message will appear if software bitness has not been set when creating a software deployment package. Go to the Software editor and set bitness in the passport. More information about bitness can be found in the Program bitness section.

Q: How can I resolve the error: “The [silent|macro|system shot] file is of unknown version”?

A: This error occurs when a package created in a newer version of TSD is being deployed using an old version. To solve the problem, update to the latest version of TSD. On the other hand, new versions of TSD support older version packages.

Q: How can I resolve the error: “The recorded macro file contains interactions with controls not compatible with the macro”?

A: The error is caused by user interaction with a control incompatible with the Macro method. You can see the incompatible control in the Macro editor: it will be highlighted on the screenshot. If it’s possible, try re-recording the method without using this control; if the error doesn’t disappear, then it’s most likely that this installer is not supported by the Macro method. Try using other deployment methods: Silent or System shot.

Q: How can I resolve the error: “Some parameters string(s) in the silent method have not been filled”?

A: The error occurs when a Silent package is added to the Software deployment list, and one or several parameter strings are not set. Open this package in the Software editor and make sure the parameter fields are filled in for the software and any add-ons. Tick Use empty command line for each software or add-on which do not require any parameters.

Q: How can I resolve the error: “this asset has neither a network name nor an IP address specified” or “this asset has no IP address specified”?

A: One of the nodes moved to the Deployment targets list has no IP address set. In Options, set the Handling of dynamic IP addresses setting to option #1 or #2, then ping the computer and make sure it’s the correct deployment target.

Deployment errors

Q: I use TNI storage, and when trying to deploy to one of my scanned nodes, I get the following error: “Remote service manager error: Access is denied”. What’s the problem?

A: This problem may occur if you’re using Active Directory. TNI uses 2 protocols to scan the network: SMB and RPC. SMB is the principal method of scanning. However, if an access error occurs, TNI will scan using the backup option that is RPC, for which having domain user privileges will be sufficient. Deploying software using the RPC protocol is impossible, therefore RPC scanning is disabled. The same SMB protocol is used for deployment, but domain administrator privileges are required.

Q: How can I resolve the error: “For correct deployment, the target user must be logged in on the remote computer and his session must be active”?

A: This error can occur if “Current user” is selected as the installation context, but the remote computer has no active sessions during deployment.

For more about this setting, see the Installation context section.

Q: How can I resolve the error: “Error creating remote service: The specified service has been marked for deletion” or “Creating remote service error: Overlapped I/O operation is in progress”?

A: The main causes of such issues:

  • Opened Process Explorer (SysInternals);
  • Opened Task Manager;
  • Opened MMC;
  • Opened Event Viewer;
  • An instance of Visual Studio using the debugging service.

If you cannot accurately determine the cause, we advise you to restart the target node and repeat the deployment.

Q: How can I resolve the error: “While copying a file an error has occurred. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.”?

A: This error occurs because the installer process was not shut down when this software was last deployed to the same computer, and presently TSD cannot copy the installer to the temporary directory on the remote computer because the installer file left from the previous deployment is busy. We recommend either rebooting or remotely connecting to the computer in order to kill the installer process.

Q: How can I resolve the error: “Silent installation was terminated due to timeout. The command line parameters or the timeout value may be inappropriate”?

A: This error occurs when the deployment of the software is not complete within the allotted timeout. Here are the possible causes and how to deal with them:

  • The command line parameters used are unsuitable for silent installation in this case. To make sure the parameters are correct, first perform a Test run (locally).
  • The target computer is low-power and/or under heavy load, which slows the software deployment, and the specified timeout is not enough to complete the deployment. To solve this problem, when setting a timeout, consider the possible scenarios that could affect deployment on the target computer.
  • External factors on the target computer – such as no Internet connection or absence of a system package (VC++ Redistributable, .NET Framework, etc.) – will impede deployment even when the parameters are correct. To resolve this issue, contact tech support for the software and find out what packages are required for installation.

More about waiting for the installation process to complete: in the Timeout section here.

Q: What does this message mean: “The installer’s process has finished. To be sure that deployments finish successfully, specify the verification file in the software passport”?

A: During deployment, TSD only monitors the installer’s process itself on the target computer. This means that the deployment log may report no errors even if the process finished correctly, but has not in fact installed anything. We recommend using the verification file setting to further verify if the deployment was successful. In the Software passport, specify the path to one of the files that should be installed. If this file is missing after deployment, a warning message will appear in the deployment log.

Possible causes of incorrect installation include loss of Internet connection, absence of a system package (VC++ Redistributable, .NET Framework, etc.), and an error in command line parameters. To analyze the problem, perform a Test run (locally) from the Software editor, and then if the problem is still not evident, try installing the software manually on a remote computer both without CMD parameters and with the parameters set in TSD.

Q: How can I resolve the error: “The configuration.xml file was not found. Please check file existence”?

A: This error can occur when deploying MS Office to a remote node, but the configuration file is missing from the Software storage. To resolve the problem, edit the Office package (the file will be automatically created once the editor is opened), modify the configuration file if necessary, and repeat deployment.

Q: Why didn’t my Macro package deploy to the remote computer? It was recorded correctly!

A: This scenario is possible if the program you’re trying to deploy is already installed there, and the installer may be offering you to uninstall the program instead. Also, in another environment, the installer may have a different set of steps. Thus, certain steps in which actions were recorded may be missing during playback, or new unrecorded steps may appear.

Q: What can I do if a package was recorded correctly using the Macro method, but one of the following errors occurs: “Cannot find the installer window. You can take a look at the last screenshot of the installer window” or “Cannot find the installer window. Services are non-interactive on the remote computer”?

A: Deployment history will in most cases contain a link to a screenshot of the installer screen when the macro ceased playback (Deployment log will also contain the link.) The same entry will also contain a Software editor link to the action that stopped the playback. If the package is rerecorded, those links will become obsolete and be deleted. To accurately determine the reason why the necessary screen cannot be found during playback, compare the screenshot taken during the deployment with the one taken during the recording.

The TSD service can’t take a screenshot if services are non-interactive. In order to make them interactive, do the following:

  • Open regedit on the remote computer and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows;
  • Change the NoInteractiveServices registry key to 0.

Q: How can I resolve the error: “Installer process(es) terminated due to timeout.”?

A: This error will occur during deployment using the Macro method if the macro playback is over, but the installer process remains running until the 10-minute timeout has elapsed. Such a scenario will most often occur if the macro was recorded on a computer where the same program is already installed or if installer processes are monitored incorrectly according to its settings. For more information about waiting for installer child processes, see Monitoring installer processes in the Macro section.

Q: How can I resolve the error: “Cannot find the installer window. The installer process on the remote computer no longer exists, therefore, it’s not possible to obtain a screenshot of the installer’s last screen”?

A: This error will occur during deployment using the Macro method if the installer has closed before playing back all the recorded actions. To resolve this problem, make sure that the software is compatible with the target operating system and that the same steps are needed to install the software on the target machine as on the one where the package was recorded.

Q: How can I resolve the error: “Services are non-interactive on the remote computer; therefore, deployment of MSI files using the Macro method is impossible”?

A: Microsoft Installer is based on a client-server principle. MSI Installer’s client is responsible for the user interface and for collecting information through user interaction, while its server is directly responsible for installation. When services are non-interactive during remote installation, MSI’s client considers itself incapable of drawing the interface and closes immediately, and therefore the TSD service won’t find the expected installer window to interact with. In order to deploy MSI files, use the Silent method or enable interactive services on the remote computer.

In order to make services interactive, do the following:

  • Open regedit on the remote computer and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows;
  • Change the NoInteractiveServices registry key to 0.

Q: What can I do if the following warning appeared during deployment: “TSD Service is already running. Abort?”?

A: One possible cause for this warning is the TSD service still running on the target computer following the previous deployment because the installer process itself is hanging or still running. In order to continue with the current deployment, the hung TSD service has to be stopped. Another cause could be current software deployment to the same computer using another copy of TSD. In this situation, you must wait until the deployment is complete.

Q: What can I do if the following error message appeared when attempting to deploy a valid batch file: “Batch file process was started, but finished with error: “interpreter cmd.exe could not process the batch commands”.

A: Make sure that the script file and its parameters do not contain any network paths that the target machine might not have access to. For more information about network paths in script files, see Silent execution of script files.

MSI deployment and uninstallation

Q: What are the possible causes behind “Fatal error during installation”?

A: This error can occur for several reasons:

  • Software doesn’t support the target OS.

Make sure that the program you’re trying to deploy can be installed on the operating system currently running on the remote computer.

  • Installation prerequisites missing.

Check whether all the libraries that are required by the program (vcredist x86, x64, .NET Framework, etc.) are already installed on the remote computer.

  • Security policy “Prohibit User Installs” enabled.

If the program only supports per-user installation, then the Prohibit User Installs security policy will prevent installation. Disable this policy for the duration of the deployment.

  • Software is already installed.

Make sure that the program isn’t already installed on this computer. If you’re trying to update the program, uninstalling the old version beforehand may help.

Q: How can I resolve the error: “To uninstall the program, a system may request elevation of privileges. The current user has standard privileges”?

A: This error may occur if the program was installed in the per-user context. Therefore, to uninstall it, the same user’s context is required. However, the user does not have administrator rights to perform the uninstallation, and they can’t be granted to the MSI service remotely. To prevent this error, deploy and install software in the per-machine context (for all users). See here for more about the installation context.

Q: How can I resolve the error: “Cannot install program. Invalid command line argument. Consult the Windows Installer SDK for detailed command line help”?

A: Check the parameters in the Silent command line as they may contain errors. If MSI is the installer type, make sure that command-line options (for example, /s) are not used. Starting with TSD 2, MSI deployment no longer supports this format. Please only add properties as parameters, in the following manner: NAME_PROPERTY=Value_Property.

Java Installer deployment

Q: I’m trying to deploy Java using the configuration file, but it comes to nothing. Am I doing something wrong?

A: A number of errors in Java Installer versions 8.0–8.102 may prevent normal deployment of Java Runtime Environment and Java Development Kit on target computers. One problem is with the INSTALLCFG command line parameter which only accepts the absolute path to the configuration file. So, it accepts neither a network path nor a relative path (i.e. if the configuration file is in the installer folder).

The best solution available at this time is provided below:

  • Create a batch file with the following content:
    for /f "Tokens=3*" %%I in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "Common AppData"') DO set CommonAppData=%%J
    IF NOT EXIST "%CommonAppData%\Oracle\Java" MKDIR "%CommonAppData%\Oracle\Java"
    IF NOT EXIST "%CommonAppData%\Oracle\Java\java.settings.cfg" @ECHO INSTALL_SILENT=1>"%CommonAppData%\Oracle\Java\java.settings.cfg"
  • Before adding the batch file into TSD, place it into a separate folder and copy the Java installation configuration file into this folder.
  • Also, add a command to the batch file to copy the configuration file into an existing folder on the target computer. Keep in mind that the configuration file will be copied along with the batch file to the target computer during deployment; i.e. both files will be placed in the same folder.
  • Add the batch file to TSD as a multi-file installer; select the folder that contains the two files.
  • In the Software editor, add the Java installer as an add-on, and set the path to the folder containing the configuration file (i.e. the folder where the configuration file will be copied by the batch file)in the command line parameter INSTALLDIR.
  • Add another batch file as an add-on to delete the configuration file that was copied.

Q: I’ve added parameters from the configuration file to the Java command line, but during deployment nothing happens on the target computer even though TSD reports successful deployment. What can be done?

A: Due to an error in the Java installer, when it’s run as System (and that is the way during remote deployment), it cannot create the temporary configuration file. See the solution:

  • Add a batch file with the following content to TSD:
    for /f "Tokens=3*" %%I in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "Common AppData"') DO set CommonAppData=%%J
    IF NOT EXIST "%CommonAppData%\Oracle\Java" MKDIR "%CommonAppData%\Oracle\Java"
    IF NOT EXIST "%CommonAppData%\Oracle\Java\java.settings.cfg" @ECHO INSTALL_SILENT=1 AUTO_UPDATE=0>"%CommonAppData%\Oracle\Java\java.settings.cfg"
  • In the Software editor, add the Java installer as an add-on.

Q: Can I uninstall an old version of Java using your program?

A: Yes, however, it will be necessary to find out the name of the old version of Java on the target computer. Create a batch file similar to the example and specify the exact name of the version that should be uninstalled between the single quotation marks:

wmic product where "name = 'Java 8 Update 66'" call uninstall /nointeractive
wmic product where "name = 'Java SE Development Kit 8 Update 66'" call uninstall /nointeractive

Preparing to deploy MS Office Click-to-Run

Q: I have a box version of MS Office 2013 (2016). How can I deploy it?

A: To deploy retail editions of MS Office, follow these steps:

  • Copy disc contents (distribution folder) to the computer.
  • Download the Microsoft Office Deployment Tool for your version of Office from the official website.
  • Extract officedeploymenttool.exe.
  • Place the extracted contents into the MS Office distribution folder replacing setup.exe.
  • In TSD, add setup.exe to the Software storage as a multi-file installer by ticking the checkbox and specifying the path to the Office distribution folder.
  • For information on how to further set up and deploy MS Office, see the Configuration files for installers section and also the hint in the Software editor.

Q: I’m missing the Click-to-Run executable, MS Office 2013 (2016) distribution, and Microsoft Office Deployment Tool. What can I do?

A: To obtain the required files for Click-to-Run deployment, do the following:

  • Download the Microsoft Office Deployment Tool for your version of Office from the official website.
  • Extract officedeploymenttool.exe into an empty folder.
  • Add extracted setup.exe to the Software storage as a multi-file installer by ticking the checkbox and specifying the path to the folder containing the files extracted from officedeploymenttool.exe.
  • For information on how to further set up and deploy MS Office, see the Configuration files for installers section and also the hint in the Software editor.