Description of assistants

There are 7 storage assistants in TSD.

Each assistant has a condition. When an assistant is active, every network node is matched against its condition.

When the Indicator mode is active, the nodes that passed the check are marked with an icon.

Hovering the mouse cursor over this icon will provide additional information in the form of a hint.

In the Filter mode, an assistant will hide all assets that do not satisfy its condition.

Online status

TSD pings all the assets in the Storage once every several seconds, and this assistant is used to display the result in the Network tree.

Multiple conditions can be selected for this assistant at the same time.

In the Filter mode, this assistant only shows the nodes with one of the selected statuses.

Operating system

The Indicator displays the icon representing the installed OS and its version. The full title of the OS can be found in the hint.

Multiple conditions can be selected for this assistant at the same time.

The Filter hides all assets that run on a Windows OS version different from the ones selected.

Scan state

The Indicator displays an icon that shows whether the scan has been completed successfully or not.
In the Filter mode, the user chooses to display either the devices that were scanned successfully at least once or the ones scanned unsuccessfully.

OS architecture

The Indicator displays bitness of the operating system on each computer: either 32-bit or 64-bit.
The Filter hides all assets that have different bitness than selected.

Virtual type

Shows whether a device is physical or virtual.
The Filter hides all assets that have different virtual type than selected.

Note contents

Each asset can have a note assigned to it. These are comments added by the TSD user.Notes can be added to Asset properties.

This assistant’s condition contains a search string. When left blank, all the nodes that have a note will satisfy the condition. When text is entered into the assistant’s field, only the nodes which have a note containing the entered text as part of it will satisfy the condition.

It’s a good idea to include a short keyword in every note along with the actual message (e.g., “TODO” for tasks, “FIX” for faulty assets, “UPDATE JAVA” for assets where Java needs to be kept up to date, etc.) In this case, the Note contents assistant becomes very helpful.

For instance, you can use it to filter all the nodes by the presence of “FIX” in their notes, which will yield the list of malfunctioning assets. Then you hover your mouse over one of them to find out what exactly is wrong.

Last snapshot age

Compares the age of the latest snapshot with the user-defined number of days.

The Indicator displays the number of days since the asset was last scanned.


Example of usage: view all the assets that were not scanned for at least a month.
