Scan data results

Scan process

Initially, Network Olympus pings each discovered target device. When a device is resolved, the scanner checks if a matching object already exists in the network tree and either updates the existing object or creates a new device. The resulting action concerning each discovered device is written into the scanner log.

Devices can be distinguished from one another by one of the three criteria (you can choose which criterium should be used in the program settings):

  • by MAC address (the default setting);
  • by IP address;
  • by hostname.

If a matching object already exists, its properties are updated.

You can monitor and control the scanning process in the Scanner status and Scanner log widgets.

Scanner log

All scan events are stored in the system and are viewable in the Scanner log widget.

The following information about scan events is available:

  • event status;
  • nature of the event and what device is involved;
  • scan task where the event was generated (click it to view the details);
  • event timestamp.

The Scanner log widget can work in two modes:

  • Live
  • History

Filtering events

Scanner log allows to filter events by various criteria corresponding to the displayed columns with information.

To activate the filters, change the filter status indicator (ON/OFF) in the widget’s header.

A panel will appear containing all filter types. You can combine different filters for more accurate results.

The Event time filter can only be activated in the History mode.

Scan results

New devices are placed into a separate group in the network tree. The existing structure of the network tree will remain unchanged.

You can specify the name of the destination group when manually setting up a scan task.

If no new devices are found, then the group is not created.
