List of sensors, actions & notifications


Network Olympus currently offers 23 types of sensors split into 4 categories.


Network sensors that allow monitoring the uptime and availability of remote hosts and local servers and workstations.


Allows to check if there’s such a host on the network using the ICMP ping scanning method.

You can:

  • set the scanning packet size (in bytes) in the Packet size field;
  • specify the number of sent packets in the Packet count field;
  • set how long (in ms) the sensor will wait for the reply in the Timeout field;
  • set the limit of network hops for the packets in the TTL (Time To Live) field.

If at least one packet is delivered, the ping will be deemed successful, and the Result will show the round-trip time and the number of delivered packets.


Allows to check if the specified TCP port is available.

Enter the TCP port to be checked.
Set how long (in ms) the sensor will wait for the reply in the Timeout field.

If the remote port is open, the check will be successful.


Allows to check the FTP server.

You can:

  • use FTPS by enabling Secure connection;
  • enter the port to be checked;
  • set how long (in ms) the sensor will wait for the reply in the Timeout field;
  • enter the Username and Password to be used during the authorization on the FTP server;
  • change the FTP transfer mode from Passive to Active by checking Use active FTP;
  • for active FTP, specify a local Additional port that should receive the reply in the address:port format.
    IPv6 addresses are not supported at the moment.
    Examples: – auto-picks a free port; – selects a random port from a range; – using a hostname instead of IP.

If the reply is received, the check will be successful.


Allows to check server connectivity using the HTTP protocol, by sending a HEAD request.

You can:

  • use HTTPS by enabling Secure connection;
  • enter the port to connect to;
  • set how long (in ms) the sensor will wait for the reply in the Timeout field.

If there’s a positive reply from the server, the check will be successful.

HTTP Content

Checks if the remote HTML page contains (or is missing) the specified value by sending a GET request.

Enter the address of the HTML page to be checked into the URL path field in the following format:


Enter the line you want to check into the Target value field.

You can also:

  • use HTTPS by enabling Secure connection;
  • enter the port to connect to;
  • set how long (in ms) the sensor will wait for the reply in the Timeout field;
  • check instead if the page is missing the line by unticking the box.

If the page content meets the specified condition, the check will be successful.


Allows to check server connectivity using the IMAP protocol, and shows the number of messages that match the criteria.

You can:

  • use IMAPS by enabling Secure connection;
  • enter the port to connect to;
  • set how long (in ms) the sensor will wait for the reply in the Timeout field;
  • enable the authorization on the IMAP server if required, and enter the Username and Password;
  • enable Using search and specify the Mailbox folder name and one or multiple Search parameters, such as ALL, RECENT, NEW…
    A few more complex examples:
    The full list of search criteria is available here.

If the connection is successful and at least one mailbox message meets the specified criteria, the check will be successful.
The message number will be displayed in the Result field.


Allows to check server connectivity using the POP protocol, and it can also check the total number of messages.

You can:

  • use POP3S by enabling Secure connection;
  • enter the port to connect to;
  • set how long (in ms) the sensor will wait for the reply in the Timeout field;
  • enable the authorization on the POP server if required, and enter the Username and Password;
  • enable Checking the message quantity in the mailbox against the expected condition.

If the connection is successful and the number of messages meets the specified condition, the check will be successful.
The message quantity will be displayed in the Event details.


Allows to check server connectivity using the SMTP protocol.

You can:

  • use SMTPS by enabling Secure connection;
  • enter the port to connect to;
  • set how long (in ms) the sensor will wait for the reply in the Timeout field;
  • enable the authorization on the SMTP server if required, and enter the Username and Password.

If there’s a positive reply from the server, the check will be successful.


Allows to check server connectivity using the Telnet protocol.

Enter the Telnet port to be checked.
Set how long (in ms) the sensor will wait for the reply in the Timeout field.

If the server responds, the check will be successful.


File system sensors that allow to monitor files, folders and drive space on network computers.

File existence

Allows to check if a particular file exists via the specified path.

Enter the path to the file into the File path field in the NetBIOS format, using the dollar sign instead of the colon: D$\directory\file.txt or \directory\file.txt for network shares.

You can use the following wildcard characters in the file name (but not in the rest of the path) to create file masks and look for different possible files:

  • * – an asterisk will represent any amount of characters (zero as well);
  • ? – a question mark will be interpreted as any single character.

If at least one file exists that matches the path, the check will be successful.

File size

Allows to check the size of a particular file.

Enter the path to the file into the File path field in the NetBIOS format, using the dollar sign instead of the colon: D$\directory\file.txt or \directory\file.txt for network shares.

You can use the following wildcard characters in the file name (but not in the rest of the path) to create a file mask and check the combined size of multiple files:

  • * – an asterisk will represent any amount of characters (zero as well);
  • ? – a question mark will be interpreted as any single character.

Select a rule for the sensor from the Condition type drop-down list:

  • Is more than: the size of the file(s) must be larger than the specified value for the check to be successful;
  • Is less than: the size of the file(s) must be smaller than the specified value for the check to be successful.

Then specify the target File size value and select its units from the drop-down list.

If at least one file exists that matches the path, and the condition is satisfied, the check will be successful.

Folder size

Allows to check the size of a particular folder.

Enter the path to the folder into the Folder path field in the NetBIOS format, using the dollar sign instead of the colon: D$\directory or \directory\files\ for network shares.

You can use the following wildcard characters in the folder name (but not in the rest of the path) to create a folder mask and check the combined size of multiple folders:

  • * – an asterisk will represent any amount of characters (zero as well);
  • ? – a question mark will be interpreted as any single character.

Select a rule for the sensor from the Condition type drop-down list:

  • Is more than: the size of the folder(s) must be larger than the specified value for the check to be successful;
  • Is less than: the size of the folder(s) must be smaller than the specified value for the check to be successful.

Then specify the target Folder size value and select its units from the drop-down list.

If at least one folder exists that matches the path, and the condition is satisfied, the check will be successful.

Folder existence

Allows to check if a particular folder exists via the specified path.

Enter the path to the folder into the Folder path field in the NetBIOS format, using the dollar sign instead of the colon: D$\directory\ or \directory\files for network shares.

You can use the following wildcard characters in the file name (but not in the rest of the path) to create folder masks and look for different possible files:

  • * – an asterisk will represent any amount of characters (zero as well);
  • ? – a question mark will be interpreted as any single character.

If at least one folder exists that matches the path, the check will be successful.

Folder free space

Allows to check the available space on a local or network drive.

Enter the path to the folder or drive into the Folder path field in the NetBIOS format, using the dollar sign instead of the colon: C$\ or \directory\files for network shares.

If you need to make sure that free available space is lower, not higher than a certain value or percentage, change the Condition type to Must be less than.

Then specify the target Free folder space value (storage units or percents) and select its units from the drop-down list.

Check user’s limit controls whether the sensor checks the space available to all users or to the user whose credentials are selected for the device.

If the folder or drive is found and the condition is satisfied, the check will be successful.

File CRC32

Allows to check for changes in the file’s CRC32.

Enter the path to the file into the File path field in the NetBIOS format, using a dollar sign instead of a colon: D$\directory\file.txt or \directory\file.txt for network shares.

You can choose between two rules for the condition:

  • Equal: the sensor will check if the file has the specified checksum;
  • Not equal: the sensor will verify that the file has a different checksum.

Specify what CRC32 checksum to check for in the other field.

If the condition is satisfied, the check will be successful.

File compare

Allows to compare two files by size and optionally by content as well.

Enter the paths to the files into the First file and Second file fields in the following format: С$\[your path here]

You can also:

  • Enter the path in the normal format (with the colon) to point to a local file: С:\[your path here]
  • Choose if the files must be Equal or Not equal;
  • Tick the Verify content box if you want to also compare the content of the two files.
    If the box is unchecked, the sensor will check Date modified and File size.
    If the checkbox is set, the sensor will still check File size in addition to content. Date modified is not checked in this case.

If the condition is satisfied, the check will be successful.

Relative paths to network shares are not allowed for this sensor.


Windows sensors that allow to track various system parameters.

Registry key

Allows to check the existence of the specified Windows registry key or parameter, or to check its value.

Set the path to the Registry key that you want to check (example: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run). If no other fields are specified, then the program will only check the key.
To check whether a certain parameter is present in the registry, enter its name in the next field: Registry value name.

If Check value data is enabled, the sensor will also check the parameter’s value.
Select the Expected data type from the drop-down list: String, Expendable stringMultistringBinaryDWORDQWORD.

Specify the target parameter value in the Expected value data field. To enter binary data use hexadecimal notation 0x (e.g. 0xABC123).

Select a rule for the sensor from the Condition type drop-down list:

  • Equals: the registry value is exactly equal to the specified value (default rule);
  • Does not equal: the registry value is not exactly equal to the specified value;
  • Contains: the parameter value contains all of the specified values;
    If searching in a multi-string value, a single matching string will satisfy this condition.
  • Does not contain: the parameter value doesn’t contain the specified value;
  • Is greater than and Is less than: compares the size of the value (for DWORD and QWORD).

If the condition is met, the check will be successful.
If the sensor checks value data, then the actual value and type will be displayed in the Event details

The Registry key sensor uses the Remote Registry service on remote computers. The sensor will not operate if this service is stopped.


System sensors that allow to track various system performance and other system parameters.

Service status

Allows to check the status of a particular system service.

Enter the Service name that you want to check.

Select the expected state (Started, Stopped, or Paused) from the Service status drop-down list.

If the actual state is matched, the check will be successful.
In any case, the state of the specified service at the time of the check will be available in the Event details.

CPU usage

Allows to check the CPU load.

Enter the target CPU usage percentage.
By default, the sensor will check that the remote computer is staying below this value.

You can select from the drop-down list if the sensor should instead check if the CPU load is greater, exactly equal or not equal.

If the query is made successfully and the current CPU usage meets the specified condition, the check will be successful.
The load value at the time of the check will be displayed in the Event details.

Physical memory

Allows to check the availability of physical memory.

Enter the target Used physical memory, in %.

Select from the drop-down list if the sensor should check if the Physical memory is less, greater, exactly equal or not equal to this value.

If the query is made successfully and the current physical memory usage meets the specified condition, the check will be successful.
The used memory percentage at the time of the check will be displayed in the Event details.

Virtual memory

Allows to check the availability of virtual memory (physical memory + page file).

Enter the target Used virtual memory, in %.

Select from the drop-down list if the sensor should check if the Virtual memory is less, greater, exactly equal or not equal to the value.

If the query is made successfully and the current virtual memory usage meets the specified condition, the check will be successful.
How much memory was used at the time of the check will be displayed in the Event details.

Process count

Allows to check the number of running processes.

Enter the Expected number of processes.

Select from the drop-down list if the sensor should check if the number of processes is less, greater, exactly equal or not equal to the value.

If the query is made successfully and the current process count meets the specified condition, the check will be successful.
How many processes were running at the time of the check will be displayed in the Event details.

User count

Allows to check the number of users.

Enter the Expected number of users.

Select from the drop-down list if the sensor should check if the number of users is less, greater, exactly equal or not equal to the value.

If the query is made successfully and the current user count meets the specified condition, the check will be successful.
Event details will show how many users were found at the time of the check.


Network Olympus currently offers 5 types of actions that can respond to arising issues and automatically address them.

Run application

Runs the specified third-party program on the local computer.

Enter the Absolute path to local application that will be run when the action is triggered. This must be a local path.

You can also:

  • Specify the command line Parameters to run the application with, if needed;
  • Specify the path to the application’s Working directory.

Service control

Changes the state of the specified service (for example, restarts it) on the local or remote computer.

Enter the Service name for which you want to change the status.

Choose the action for the service (Start, Pause, Continue, Restart, Stop) from the New service state drop-down list.

By default, this action controls the service on the remote computer. To control a local service, check the Local action box.

Event details will contain additional information, such as the previous service state.

Execute script

Locally executes a script in Visual Basic, JavaScript, or PowerShell, or in Windows command line.

Enter the code in the Script code field.

Select the interpretator which will execute the script from the Select script type drop-down list. You can choose from Visual Basic, JavaScript, Windows Command Line (.bat or .cmd) or go with the default PowerShell Script.

Event details may contain output data from the script interpretator or the error message.

Restart computer

Reboots (or switches off) the remote computer. A timeout can be set that allows the system to correctly close all running applications and save all data.

You can:

  • Enter the Message text that will alert the remote user before the reboot or shutdown.
  • Specify the time (in ms) before the computer is rebooted or switched off in the Timeout field.
  • Tick the Force action box to shut down the computer without waiting for applications to exit correctly.
  • Perform a Shutdown instead of a restart by ticking the checkbox.

Write to Windows Event Log

Creates an Event Log entry in the Windows application log on a remote computer.

Enter the text of the Log message. You can use macros.

Select the Event type (Success, Error, Information, Warning, Audit success or Audit failure) from the drop-down list.

Event ID can be any number from 1 to 65535.

Event qualifier can be any number from 1 to 65535.


If the event log has reached its limit, no logging shall be made. In this case, clear the Application log.


Network Olympus currently offers 5 types of notifications.

Show message

Displays a text message on the local computer.

Enter the message title into the Window title field.

Select the Message icon from 3 available types (Error, Questrion, Information) in the drop-down list. Select None so no icon is displayed.

Enter the Message text.

You can use macros both in the title and the text.

Example result:

Send email

Sends an e-mail message to the specified address.

Specify the SMTP server network address.

Change the Security level (SSL/TLS, STARTTLS or none), Port number and Timeout if needed.

Enable the authorization on the SMTP server if required, and enter the Username and Password.

Enter the Sender name (arbitrary text or an email address) and the Recipient email address in the format.

Specify the message title in the Subject field.

Finally, enter the Message text itself.

You can also use macros both in the title and the text.


If notifications are not sent and the Login denied message is generated in the log, you may additionally need to open access for third-party applications in the mail server settings.

For example, to open access in Gmail, go to Manage your Google Account and open the Security tab. Enable the option Less secure app access.

Send jabber message

Sends a message to the specified Jabber account.

Specify the remote XMPP server‘s IP address or FQDN.
Change the Port if needed (port 5222 is used by default).

Specify the user identifier, as well as the name of the server he’s registered with, into the Sender JID field. The JID and the server name should be separated by the @-sign. For example, means that the message will be sent on behalf of sender through server
Then enter the Sender password.

Similarly, specify the Jabber identifier of the user you want to send a message to, and its server, in the Recipient JID field.

Specify the message title in the Message subject field.

Finally, enter the Message text itself.

Write to Windows Event Log

Creates an Event Log entry in the Windows application log.

Enter the text of the Log message. You can use macros.

Select the Event type (Success, Error, Information, Warning, Audit success or Audit failure) from the drop-down list.

Event ID can be any number from 1 to 65535.

Event qualifier can be any number from 1 to 65535.

If the event log has reached its limit, no logging shall be made. In this case, clear the Application log.

Write to log file

Writes an entry at the end of the selected log file.

Enter the text of the logged entry into the Log message field. You can use macros here.

Specify the Local path to the file where the record should be made.

You can also disable the Unicode code table if you need to make the entry in ASCII, by unticking Use Unicode.
