Discounts for TNI, TNM and TSD users

Most users of commercial Softinventive Lab products are eligible for a discount on any Network Olympus license.

To request a discount, please contact us at

  • Each Total Network Monitor 2 user is eligible for a 50% discount on any Network Olympus license.
  • Each user of a Total Network Inventory or Total Software Deployment license with the number of nodes higher than 25 is eligible for a 30% discount for a Network Olympus license with the corresponding (or lesser) number of devices. Please refer to the following table to find out which license you can get a discount for:
TNI STD/PRO or TSD Network Olympus

25 nodes

25 devices

50 nodes

50 devices

100 nodes

100 devices

150 nodes

200 devices

250 nodes

300 devices

350 nodes

500 devices

500 nodes

500 devices

750 nodes

1000 devies

1000 nodes

1000 devices

1500 nodes

1500 devices

2000 nodes

2000 devices



For example, owners of the TNI Standard 150 nodes license are eligible for a 30% discount for Network Olympus for 200 devices, as well as for 100 devices.

However, the discount will not be lost if a higher license is needed. It will be calculated as 30% from the license corresponding to the one they own. For the above example, that means that any license higher than 200 devices will be discounted 30% * [price for 200 devices].
