Monitoring results

When a sensor or action is executed on a particular device, an event is produced. It contains information about the results of a single execution.

The event status determines the further monitoring scenario:

  • UP or Done means that the sensor or action was executed successfully and the current state of the aspect checked by the sensor matches the set parameters.
  • DOWN (Critical/Warning/Information) or Failed means that an error occurred during the execution of the sensor or action, or that the current state of the aspect checked by the sensor doesn’t match the set parameters.

Activity log

All events are stored in the system and are viewable on the Activity log dashboard where the corresponding widget is opened.

The following information about sensors and actions is available:

  • event status (click it to view the details);
  • date and time of execution;
  • hostname and other properties of the corresponding devices;
  • additional information about their operation or the cause of the error.

The Activity log widget can work in two modes:

  • Live
  • History

Filtering events

Activity log allows filtering events by various criteria corresponding to the displayed columns with information.

To activate the filters, change the filter status indicator (ON/OFF) in the widget’s header.

A panel will appear containing all filter types. You can combine different filters for more accurate results.

The Event time filter can only be activated in the History mode.

Alerts summary and reports

On the Home  dashboard, you can find a summary chart that shows what proportion of sensors currently has the Up status and the distribution of sensors with the Down status by severity.

The Overview dashboard includes the Sensors alerts report and Actions alerts report. These widgets allow you to generate reports showing information about the operation of existing sensors and actions, respectively.

Information in the reports is grouped by the current event status (and sensor severity), and it can be filtered using checkboxes on the bottom control panel.

On the top panel, you can also choose from the drop-down menu by what parameter sensors and actions will be further grouped.

In the Visualization mode menu, you can choose what information is displayed about the devices to which sensors and actions are assigned. You can select one of the four main device properties: hostname, IP address, MAC address or alias.
