Operations with the Network tree

Network hierarchy allows you to divide your network into groups and add a variety of devices into each group. You can edit the network hierarchy either by using the Network tree or the Network map

Select the root node My network place in the network tree to add a new group. After selecting the node, right-click it to open the context menu or use a button on the toolbar:

A window to help you create a new group will open:

Specify a title for the new group in the Name field, and enter an additional description into the optional Description field. Press OK to add the group to the network tree.

To work with a particular group, use the context menu (or the corresponding options in the Network menu):

  • Add group: adds a new subgroup in the selected group;
  • Add device: adds a new device to the selected group;
  • Remove group: removes the selected group;
  • Group properties: shows the properties of the selected group.

After the groups have been created, you can start adding devices either by using the Scan wizard or manually.

Select a group you want to add a new device to. Right-click (or use the toolbar) and select Add device:

A window to help you add the new device will pop up:

You can:

  • specify a name for the new device;
  • set Windows authorization by default;
  • choose a device type from the Type drop-down list;
  • enter additional description into the Description field;
  • tick or untick the Device has static IP box;
  • either set a Host name or an IP address, i.e. set an address for the new device.

If the Device has static IP box is unticked it’s only necessary to enter a host name; an IP address shall be detected dynamically. You can use the buttons to define a host name by the IP address or to define an IP address by the host name.
After filling in all the fields, press OK. In case the specified address of the new device is incorrect, appropriate alerts will be displayed. If everything is correct, the device will be added to the tree.

To work with a particular device, use the context menu (or the corresponding options in the Network menu):

  • Add monitor: adds a new monitor to the selected device;
  • Remove device: removes the device;
  • Device properties: shows the properties of the selected device.

Every device also has an icon and a state.

device icon is a graphical image of the device. It’s determined by the device type (set in the device properties) and displayed on the left side of its name.
If all the device monitors successfully complete their sensor checks, a green circle is displayed beside an icon. If at least one monitor fails a check or if it completes with an error, the circle turns red or black. If any device sensors have not been launched, the circle is not displayed.

There are three separate lists in the tree: Green, Red and Black monitors. By selecting one of them, you can see a list of all monitors in the same state.
