Operations with the Network map

The Network map allows to generate a graphical representation of your network, to add computers to groups, as well as arrange them topographically, and to display how the network devices are linked.
To switch to the network map, select the Map view option in the View menu.

There are 2 main modes for performing different operations on the map:

  • Devices: allows you to position and move groups, devices and nodes on the map by using the left mouse button.
  • Connectors allows you to create links between separate devices by using the left mouse button.

By using either the Main menu or the context menu, you can Add a new group, as well as view the Properties of the existing group (select the group beforehand):

Double-click on any group to view the devices it contains.

Now you can edit the links (marked in red on the map) between separate devices.

You can add a new link in three ways:

  • Select the Connectors mode, then link the necessary devices using the left mouse button.
  • Go to Options General and tick the Use middle button on map box. Now you can add links by pressing and holding the middle mouse button. Important note! The Connectors mode will become unavailable.
  • Click on the existing link and, while holding the mouse button, move the mouse into a new position; a new node will be created.

To remove a link, use the context menu; the selected link changes its color to blue:

Using the left sidebar you can:

  • go to the group overview by pressing Back;
  • add devices of various types by pressing Add;
  • display the grid (by pressing Grid);
  • set alignment by grid (by pressing Align).

To add a new device or to display the properties of a device, use either the main menu or the context menu. By double-clicking on a device, you can open its properties window.

Map dimensions (in pixels) are set in the fields Map width and Map height of the Options window.

You can click the sole icon on the right to open a small menu and choose to load the custom background image for the current group. You can load images in JPG, JPEG, PNG or BMP format.
Each custom image has its own dimensions (that are independent from map size settings). Images can be scaled using the slider that will appear to the left of the icon.
All loaded images are stored in the program’s Application data folder.
To remove the custom image for the current group or load a new image, use the same menu. In the current version, removing or changing a background image in the program doesn’t lead to its removal from the Application data folder.

The network map is synchronized with the Network tree by default, which means that if any device is selected in the Network tree, the same device will be selected on the Network map.