Network tree overview

The Network tree allows to conveniently and structurally display your network devices. Main root node My Network Place includes groups and separate lists displaying all Green, Red and Black monitors.

The lights opposite to the devices show aggregate state of the monitors on this device and indicate the following:

  • if this device does not have monitors or they are all stopped, the light is not displayed;
  • if at least one monitor is black, then the light is black;
  • if at least one monitor is red, then the light is red;
  • if all monitors are green, then the light is green.

To manage the tree, use its toolbar, the Network menu or context menus for each element.

Main functions for interaction with the tree:

  • Add group: adds a new group to the tree (to make the button active, choose root node My Network Place or an empty group);
  • Remove group: removes the group selected in the tree;
  • Group properties: displays the properties for this group;
  • Add device: adds a new device to the group (to make the button active, choose any group in the tree);
  • Remove device: removes the selected device from the tree (along with the monitors of the selected device);
  • Device properties: displays the properties of this device;
  • Scan Wizard: runs the network Scan wizard;
  • Find a network element in the tree: finds the computer in the tree by name (or by its part) or by IP address;
  • Refresh network tree: refreshes and reloads the Network tree;
  • Expand network tree: expands all group nodes in the tree;
  • Collapse network tree: collapses all group nodes except for the root node;
  • Sort network tree asc/desc: allows to sort groups and devices in the Network tree alphabetically in either ascending or descending order;
  • Device display settings: allows to set how much information is displayed in the tree: Name, IP, Name (IP), IP (Name); where “Name” is the device name, “IP” is the device network address.

Double-click any element of the tree (a device or a group) to display its properties.
See the detailed information about the Network tree in the appropriate section.
